Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mark's First Job.

Mark has been hoping for a year to get a job in our church's parish office like one of his friends. It's compatible with being a student, and not having to work many hours. The youth who work there work 3 hours in an evening, or all day Saturday. They act as receptionist at the door, answer the telephone, lock everything up at night, and I don't know what else. In quiet periods, they can do homework.

Well, an opening came in July, and he interviewed and was hired. He worked most of one Saturday in July as training. He worked his first real shift last night from 5pm - 8pm -- and received his first paycheck for that training day. ($38 after taxes. ) However, as low-man-on-the-totem-pole, he's only scheduled to work one evening each week so far. Maybe after they break him in, they'll give him an occasional Saturday.

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