If you made the stole white, it represents the "good" woman-parttime-swan-whos-under-evil-spell Odette. If you made the stole black, it represents the imposter-woman-who-prevents-the-prince-from-breaking-the-spell Odile. If you switch colors so it's both black and white -- you've got both Odette and Odile.

This isn't the first asymmetrical stole that Melanie's designed. See her Hanami Stole: http://pinklemontwist.blogspot.com/2007/02/hanami.html (You can click her picture to see a closeup.)
When I had previously seen that pattern, I thought it was pretty enough, but I didn't think I wanted to pay $6 for it. I'd have wanted a symmetrical pattern.
But since I'm already at Row 304 or Row 306 of Clue 4 (only 31/29 more rows in the clue), I don't think I want to frog back to Row 287, nor have to join two separate pieces together to make a symmetrical stole. I think I'm going to follow through and complete the stole as planned.
Well, you COULD just get to a similar ending point close to where you are and then double the stole that way... By "similar ending point", I mean since the daisy field is so repetitive, you should be able to find a place to stop that is the same as row 287.
I've considered this option, but have not decided. I would imagine that she will be getting some flak for blithely assuming people will be willing to frog more than 40 rows of work.
I'm going to think about it over the weekend. Although I am intrigued by the technical aspect of short rows in lace, I'm having a hard time thinking of this as something that I would actually wear. *sigh*
I'm going to be hopeful. Even though it's not symmetrical -- why can't one where something that's not symmetrical, as long as it's pretty?
I'm hopeful it will be pretty. And wearing it will make a "fashion statement". As if I really care about doing that! ;-)
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