Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I only did 2 rows last night. I think I'm up to 170 active stitches, with about 12 unworked stitches left from Clue 4. I'm much slower per row that I'd have thought. I could do about 2 rows of 99 stitches in 15-20 minutes before. Now it seems to take me 1-2 hours (with distractions) to do 2-3 rows.
And it's been repetitious throughout all of Clues 5 and 6 -- so while it's looking nice, it's been pretty boring. It's hard to stay motivated.
But I only have something like 24 more rows to do. If I do 2 rows a night -- more ore less -- I'll be done in less than 2 weeks.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Last night I finished all but the last wrong-side row of Clue 6. I didn't work on it over the weekend because Steve and I took a long weekend up to Lake Tahoe, and I don't chance this project in the car nor in less than ideal lighting-and-setup conditions. I hope I'll post a few pictures later of the trip -- although I forgot my good digital camera. All we had was the cheapie emergency digital camera in Steve's car -- for example, to take a picture of a fender-bender if that were to happen.
My eyes felt sunburned all day, despite wearing sunglasses and a visor all weekend. So I didn't even feel like starting knitting until now. Maybe I'll get a few rows done before turning in to bed.
The best thing that happened yesterday, however, was that Barbara was offered a one-year contract to teach a first grade class in the Union school district in San Jose at Lietz School.
Whew! That was a close one. She rushed over after her part-time hotel job in Santa Cruz to sign the contract and pick up paperwork. The district had new-teacher orientation today and tomorrow, and starts with an in-service day on Thursday. Classes start next Tuesday. She's been assigned a room in a modular (lots of the schools have these, because school districts sold off property during a drop in enrollments in the 70s/80s, and had to expand on existing properties this way when enrollments zoomed again). The room has desks, chairs and textbooks. Barbara was stressing out today about what to do to get the room ready -- hopefully, some of the other teachers and staff will help her get set up!
She needs to give notice at the hotel, although she feels obligated to work for them on weekends through September, since she had told them that's what she would do when she got the job in June. But she's not teaching in Santa Cruz -- and as a first-time teacher, I think she's going to need her weekends. But since she lost out on some income earlier, and is motivated to pay off her student loan from grad school -- maybe she has an extra agenda she's not sharing. I just hope she'll handle the workload with grace. I hope they'll tell her she doesn't need to work every weekend through September when she gives notice.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Each row gets slower and slower as stitches get added. I managed to get 18 rows done this weekend, meaning I have 118 rows of the "wing" done. The last row had 121 "active" stitches, and about 37 stitches left unworked from Clue 4.
I seem to be getting additionally slower on each row due to my row markers. I separate each 10 stitches to assist in counting and debugging problems, and move them on the purl row if needed, which is most rows. This and the previous clue use "repeat" blocks of 20 stitches to repeat 4 times rather than charting the whole row. There are actually two repeats of the pattern in each charted "repeat" -- so each row is very symmetrical as you work it, except for the ends.
And I seem to make one or two mistakes on every row, so as I'm doing the purl row, I'm able to detect the problems and correct them. It's usually a missed or dropped yarn-over, which is easy to fix -- I just have to be sure I'm counting out the pattern in reverse as I work. It's getting boring.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Here's what the stole looks like in its entirety, just smoothed out, not blocked. The tails of where I added the second skein are still loose on the upper right, and I have 2 lifelines at the end of Clue 4 -- as well as a few lifelines in Clue 5, the wing. I've put a yardstick beside the stole on the left to give a sense of dimension.
It'll be bigger once I block it, but it's not going to reach the 6-ft-plus length of last year's stole, unless a future clue somehow makes it longer, which I doubt.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Some of the KAL (Knit-A-Long) folk must have the day off -- if you want to see what the "wing" looks like after Clue 6 -- here's someone else's picture:
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Friday, August 03, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I've completed Clue 3 -- 200 rows. After blocking and measuring, it was about 26.5 inches long. Melanie's is 25" long at that point -- it's about 1/3 of the total length of the stole. So I'm glad, mine will be about the right length without having to change/repeat-in Clue 4 to add 11" or subtract 11".
(Do you know that you can click these pictures to see them in a bigger size?)
The second picture shows a close-up of the knitting that has some of the beads on it. I can tell that there's a glint on at least one of the beads -- but you might have trouble seeing it. (If you click the picture, though - you might be able to see a couple of the beads.) The way you add beads to the knitting is that, when you get to the stitch that needs a bead added, you use a size 13 (very very fine) steel crochet hook to slide a bead onto the stitch before knitting it. There's a tutorial here: http://fluffyknitterdeb.blogspot.com/2005/08/by-special-request-beading-made-easy.html
Then I unpinned it after blocking, and took a picture of the just-over-2-feet-long section (and almost 2-feet wide) on our off-white sofa, so that you can see the pattern without blocking-board-print interference.
Steve treated us to a Segway (amazing personal transportation with gyroscopes) Tour of the San Francisco Waterfront as a birthday treat (Mark declined to come, Barbara enthusiastically joined). We took the 9am tour - and finished up about noon.
Then we headed out in two groups of about 10 people each. We went up and down some hills in style. The tour guide talked to us over walkie-talkies that were strapped into the packs on the front of our units as we "rode", and stopped to talk to us in groups at certain stops.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Clue 2 consisted of 50 rows (ending at Row 150), worked on 99 stitches across.
I'm going to lightly block after finishing Clue 3 -- because that will help me decide whether or not I need to lengthen the stole. Clue 3 will take me to about 1/3 of the total length. If I want to lengthen it, I repeat a section of Clue 4 rows which will add 11 inches to the stole.
I actually wonder whether it will only add 1/2 of the 11 inches on this side -- and whether one then repeats on the opposite side, when one gets to it. I may have to do the addition.
I think for Clue 3's picture, I'll take an entire-section shot followed by a closeup to show how very open my stockinette is. I stopped at Row 190 last night, which means I'm just 10 rows from finishing Clue 3 at Row 200, blocking, measuring, and then starting Clue 4 (which came out last Friday).
Clue 3 has 2 sets of charts (like Clue 1 did). It goes to Row 335 -- not to Row 336. We usually end on a wrong-side even row. So there's a great mystery about why we're stopping at Row 335. .
Also, we are supposed to put a special lifeline in Row 287 (or if you lengthen it, in the second instance of 287). She suggests using a different color -- or somehow marking it, like tying lots of knots into the ends. This is also a mystery, because it's usually easier to put a lifeline in after an even-side perled row, rather than a lace-knit right-side row. There's a big discussion about why.
I bet she's going to have us come back and pick up stitches for some sort of frill there.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
OK. I had to do some catch-up on pictures before I could let myself post the Mystery Stole progress. I'm actually working Clue 3 now -- but only one clue per posting until I catch up!
Clue 1 consisted of 100 rows -- to make the starting triangle. Row 1 had 2 stitches, the last few rows had 99.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Mystery Stole 3 Knit-A-Long by Melanie http://pinklemontwist.blogspot.com/ was closed to new subscribers in early July. She's going to be featured in a USA Today article because almost 7,000 folks around the world have joined in. The first year's membership (the one I missed), there were about 760 members. Last year, I think there less than 2,000.
I had a couple of bumps along the way. I did my test swatch on size 4 needles, and near the end of Clue 1 decided the real thing was too loose. I frogged-it and started over on size 3's. I'll post some pictures of progress later. But this post has the yarn. Recommended colors were black or white. The stole also incorporates beads. For a while, I thought I might completely start over with different yarn -- but when I rough-blocked Clue 1, I decided it was going to be OK. This baby alpaca yarn is finer than the laceweight yarn I used last year. I do like its texture. It is soft -- and even if the finished shawl turns out small-ish, it will be nice to wear when you don't want something too, too warm. I think it will feel like wearing a (nice, not nasty) spider web. It is extremely light.
OK, I'm missing a picture, but I'd made a crocheted baby afghan for Rich and Betsey. Darn! How could I send it off without having taken a picture?!?! I don't know what I was thinking.
So, here are the other items I've made in the interim.
These gloves aren't quite as warm as knitted ones. I may use some leftover laceweight yarn to make knitted ones from a pattern I've recently found. But that won't be for a while.
2.) My first socks. I used KnitPicks self-striping sock yarn.
This first picture shows what they look like looking towards the inside toe. I knit on 4 needles, and needed a fifth. Working on 4 makes it much easier to follow the instructions, since there's a top and a bottom when you work the toe and the heel -- so the stitches are evenly divided.
And the two pictures below show the finished socks!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I used the same yarn as for my Scherezade Mystery Stole to make my sister Carol a "Branching Out" shawl for a milestone birthday which was earlier this week. To my surprise, she received it just two days after I sent it -- thank you USPS!
I was a little afraid the color wouldn't be right with her "Winter" color scheme, but she says it will go well with her "charcoal" coat. Phew!
Here are the pics:

And spread out on our orange rocker:

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Here's the before-blocking version:

Here's the After-blocking version. I used it when Steve and I went to see "Carmen" at the S.F. Opera, and it still wanted to curl some. So afterwards, I pressed it with the iron, and it seems to be staying flatter. We'll see if it stays flat after wearing it again though. Maybe I'll just need to re-press it a little after each wearing?

Continuation of Barbara's health:
I never did come back to the blog after Barbara's surgery. Surgery was a success, but she needed to stay in the hospital overnight because she wasn't coping with pain well. Among the pain meds they gave her during and after surgery was Toredol, an intravenous NSAID, like a strong version of Motrin or Aleve. Most people don't have problems handling it, unless they're very aged. We drove back to San Mateo mid-day on Thanksgiving, and I cooked the turkey breast and a simple meal, all things considered.
Unfortunately for us, on the Sunday after surgery, on Barbara's 22nd birthday in fact, she went back into our local hospital with pain, nausea and vomiting that had worsened since the previous day. It turned out when push came to shove that her kidneys were shutting down. The most likely candidate subsequently determined for why was the Toredol. What was bad was -- the emergency room doctor gave her more Toredol while they were trying to decide what to do.
So, I'd taken Barbara to the emergency room on Sunday, she got admitted about midnight. They kept her on intravenous anti-nausea and pain meds for several days, and finally weaned her off to pills, hoping she could go home. Her BUN (a urine indicator) and Creatinine (a breakdown product of protein) readings were abnormal, with Creatinine in particular being a problem. She should have had a 0.8 reading -- hers rose over 4 days to 5.7 -- if it had gone up to 10, they'd have had to do temporary dialysis. When it peaked/plateaued and dropped to 5.2 on Friday, they discharged her. She had to stay in our area until she visited the kidney specialist again. Her Creatinine was down to 1.5, which is still not normal. She'll need to see him again in early February to see if it comes down to 0.8 -- or whether she has permanent kidney damage.
She had to take incompletes in most of her fall quarter graduate school classes. The main teacher who supervises her work coordinated with her other teachers, and she has until March to complete incomplete assignments.
Then when she was feeling well enough to go back to work and called her bosses at the Ramada, it turns out that they sold the motel the previous week (without ever mentioning it to her), and the new owners didn't want hired help. So she lost her job, too!
So, she's now trying to get Unemployment insurance until she can find another job that works with her student teaching and classes. Wish her luck!