Friday, September 08, 2006

Barbara's teacher training -- I have a couple of corrections to make. I talked to her about it, just to be sure I get it right.

Last year in her senior year, Barbara took an Education 180 class, where she needed 30 hours of "observation" in the Fall quarter. Barbara became a kindergarten aide for 3-4 hours about twice a week, and actually got about 45 hours that quarter. She was supposed to learn about classroom management.

Then, on a strictly volunteer basis since she enjoyed the teacher so much, she continued to be an aide once a week for the next two quarters. There was an "art specialist" in the classroom only the last 6 months of the year, and Barbara really enjoyed being there for that. She's always enjoyed arts and crafts.

Now that she's working on her Masters in Education and California Teaching Credential, she truly is doing Student Teaching (I wasn't sure). And she actually got to stay two weeks in the kindergarten class to start. She was sad yesterday because she has an eye infection, and the only squeeze-in appointment at her doctor's office was at 9:00 this morning, so she'd have to miss part of her last day there.

So, she mostly observes and assists, and will probably present a lesson here and there. At the end of the year, she'll have two weeks where she "solo's" -- that is, runs and teaches the classroom on her own, with the master teacher observing.

I remember having a Dominican novice history teacher who was a student teacher in Sister Imelda's class in my senior year. I remember when she solo'ed. It made it really clear what a wonderful master teacher Sister Imelda was -- and I was so glad to get her back at the front of the classroom!

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